On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 01:06, der.hans wrote:
> Am 18. Jan, 2004 schwätzte Craig White so:
> > I believe it's the latter but I haven't made a real study of it. I think
> > that it's covered here...
> > <http://fedora.redhat.com/about/trademarks/guidelines/page5.html>
> OK, that sounds kinda bad, but it seems acceptable to me. I think the "Note
> that mere deletion of these files may corrupt the software." warrants bug
> reports against every piece of software that breaks due to those files being
> removed :).
I suppose that if I were contemplating repackaging/reselling it, I would
effort at determining just how far this goes, how much work is involved.
My thinking is that it isn't much considering that you have a complete
distro. Then again, this would have to be true of any distro...having to
remove their trademark identifications to bundle to re-sell it/ possibly
turnkey fashion.
I think more importantly though, there's no need to go to all those
efforts because you can simply take it and install it - possibly with a
'kickstart' script, taking all the user configuration questions of the
install and then execute your 'post install' scripts to add your
software and not have to re-brand it at all. This is after all, the
Linux way.