Frank Mandato wrote:
> I have been following this list for quite a while and would like to
> know if I have to start from scratch, clean install, or if I can just
> switch over to Fedora without too many problems.
Hi Frank,
I have done an upgrade from RH 8.0 to Fedora on my main home machine. It does
lots of things, MySQL, apache, Entertainment center (TV Video Card, play DVDs),
vmware .... lots of stuff. After the upgrade (which was performed with the
Fedora install CDs upgrade option) most everything worked still. However, there
have been small naggy things and I am eager to find the time to do a clean
install. One of the most annoying things is the OpenOffice problems ... it is a
lot less stable now, I don't know if its the Fedora build I have been using or
something else. I can reliable crash OO by clicking on the font dropdown menu
in Write ... and lots of Word Files and other OO files crash it upon opening.
In general I find it discouraging. As this machine is primarily a desktop that
is a problem. It was the first upgrade I had done in years ... and went
smoothly ... but the end result was less than desireable and I won't be
perfoming an upgrade again.