Am 17. Jan, 2004 schw=E4tzte Chris Gehlker so:
> On Jan 17, 2004, at 3:29 PM, Derek Neighbors wrote:
> > No one has called SuSE the devil.
System und Software Entwicklung =3D=3D System and Software Development
> This is possible. I certainly do believe that the FSF, in advocating
> for goals that I share, has resorted to methods that I find deceptive.
I don't think they're being deceptive. We are talking about freedoms. Yes,
there are many worse things in the world. Telling the cop that speeding
isn't near as bad as murder isn't likely to get you out of the ticket :).
> I don't think they started out intending to be deceptive but I think
> that the egos of some folks at FSF won't let them see that there is a
> loophole in the GPL. I have corresponded with people who tell me that
While I understand your perspective I don't agree that it's a loophole.
# If determining good culture is left up to busybodies and politicians,
# we will be left with culture fit only for busybodies and politicians.
# -- Jeff Taylor, Reason