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Lynn David Newton wrote:
> A friend whose Web site I support has suddenly become
> enormously disgruntled with his current provider,
> Fatcow, for changes they recently made to their webmail
> service, which he barely even uses. (He's an AOL
> sufferer.) He'd like me to help him get migrated to a
> new account.
> The site in question is not large or busy. At the
> moment 150MB of disk storage is adequate (but 100MB, a
> standard offering is not). Doesn't need Frontpage
> (thank goodness), uses only 4 email accounts, needs CGI
> support. Naturally some form of Unix servers preferred.
> (Fatcow uses Uns systems.)
> Cost is not a major issue, as long as the service is
> good.
> Unfortunately, I'm buried right now, and have no time
> to go searching. Does anyone have any immediate
> reccomendations?
> Feel free to respond offlist if you feel the discussion
> is OT.