USB mass storage questions

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Author: Emmanuel Gravel
Subject: USB mass storage questions
I have a PQI 6-in-1 card reader that I purchased at Fry's some time ago,
(vend/prod 0x3538/0x15) where prod 0x15 isn't found in the USB device
list. First time, I modprobed usb-storage manually, and I got the proper
SCSI device /dev/sda1 (running Gentoo 1.4, kernel 2.4.20 with devfs).
Added this line to fstab:
/dev/sda1       /mnt/usb        vfat    user,noauto     0 0
with /mnt/usb being root:usb and having root and my own user part of
group usb (don't know if that was a good idea or not).

First tried mounting it, gave me invalid FS type or too many mounted
filesystems error. Tried mounting a second time, and it just hung there,
no way of killing the mount. So I reboot, emerge hotplug, add it to
default, start the service, and plug the device back in. It's in fact
properly detected, the module is properly loaded, but no devices are
ever created. Here's the output from dmesg after a dmesg -c and re-plug
of the device (stopping here since this is long, so if you have any
ideas, let me know please :) :

hcd/ehci-hub.c: GetStatus port 1 status 0x3802 OWNER POWER speed=2 CSC
hub.c: port 1, portstatus 0, change 1, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 1 connection change
hub.c: port 1, portstatus 0, change 1, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 2, portstatus 100, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 3, portstatus 100, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 4, portstatus 100, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 5, portstatus 100, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hcd/ehci-hub.c: GetStatus port 6 status 0x1803 POWER speed=2 CSC CONNECT
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 501, change 1, 480 Mb/s
hub.c: port 6 connection change
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 501, change 1, 480 Mb/s
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 501, change 0, 480 Mb/s
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 501, change 0, 480 Mb/s
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 501, change 0, 480 Mb/s
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 501, change 0, 480 Mb/s
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 511, change 0, 480 Mb/s
hub.c: port 6 of hub 1 not reset yet, waiting 10ms
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 511, change 0, 480 Mb/s
hub.c: port 6 of hub 1 not reset yet, waiting 10ms
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 511, change 0, 480 Mb/s
hub.c: port 6 of hub 1 not reset yet, waiting 200ms
hcd/ehci-hub.c: 00:02.2 port 6 full speed, give to companion, 0x1001
hcd/ehci-hub.c: GetStatus port 6 status 0x3001 OWNER POWER speed=0
hub.c: port 6, portstatus 0, change 10, 12 Mb/s
hcd/ehci-hcd.c: 00:02.2: free_config devnum 0
hub.c: port 1, portstatus 100, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 2, portstatus 100, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 3, portstatus 101, change 1, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 3 connection change
hub.c: port 3, portstatus 101, change 1, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 3, portstatus 101, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 3, portstatus 101, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 3, portstatus 101, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 3, portstatus 101, change 0, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: port 3, portstatus 103, change 10, 12 Mb/s
hub.c: new USB device 00:02.1-3, assigned address 3
usb.c: kmalloc IF cf01dc80, numif 1
usb.c: new device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
usb.c: USB device number 3 default language ID 0x409
Manufacturer: GENERIC
Product: USB Mass Storage Device
SerialNumber: ABCD1234567B
usb.c: unhandled interfaces on device
usb.c: USB device 3 (vend/prod 0x3538/0x15) is not claimed by any active
  Length              = 18
  DescriptorType      = 01
  USB version         = 1.10
  Vendor:Product      = 3538:0015
  MaxPacketSize0      = 8
  NumConfigurations   = 1
  Device version      = 0.12
  Device Class:SubClass:Protocol = 00:00:00
    Per-interface classes
  bLength             =    9
  bDescriptorType     =   02
  wTotalLength        = 0027
  bNumInterfaces      =   01
  bConfigurationValue =   01
  iConfiguration      =   04
  bmAttributes        =   80
  MaxPower            =  500mA

  Interface: 0
  Alternate Setting:  0
    bLength             =    9
    bDescriptorType     =   04
    bInterfaceNumber    =   00
    bAlternateSetting   =   00
    bNumEndpoints       =   03
    bInterface Class:SubClass:Protocol =   08:06:50
    iInterface          =   05
      bLength             =    7
      bDescriptorType     =   05
      bEndpointAddress    =   81 (in)
      bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
      wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
      bInterval           =   00
      bLength             =    7
      bDescriptorType     =   05
      bEndpointAddress    =   02 (out)
      bmAttributes        =   02 (Bulk)
      wMaxPacketSize      = 0040
      bInterval           =   00
      bLength             =    7
      bDescriptorType     =   05
      bEndpointAddress    =   83 (in)
      bmAttributes        =   03 (Interrupt)
      wMaxPacketSize      = 0008
      bInterval           =   0a
usb.c: kusbd: /sbin/hotplug add 3
SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usb.c: registered new driver usb-storage
usb-storage: act_altsettting is 0
usb-storage: id_index calculated to be: 66
usb-storage: Array length appears to be: 68
usb-storage: USB Mass Storage device detected
usb-storage: Endpoints: In: 0xce2a9f00 Out: 0xce2a9f14 Int: 0xce2a9f28
(Period 10)
usb-storage: New GUID 353800150000abcd1234567b
usb-storage: GetMaxLUN command result is 1, data is 3
usb-storage: Transport: Bulk
usb-storage: Protocol: Transparent SCSI
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.
scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
usb-storage: queuecommand() called
usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
usb-storage: Command INQUIRY (6 bytes)
usb-storage: 12 00 00 00 ff 00 e4 f7 53 82 29 c0
usb-storage: Bulk command S 0x43425355 T 0x1 Trg 0 LUN 0 L 255 F 128 CL
usb-storage: Bulk command transfer result=0
usb-storage: usb_stor_transfer_partial(): xfer 255 bytes
usb-storage: usb_stor_bulk_msg() returned 0 xferred 255/255
usb-storage: usb_stor_transfer_partial(): transfer complete
usb-storage: Bulk data transfer result 0x0
usb-storage: Attempting to get CSW...
usb-storage: Bulk status result = 0
usb-storage: Bulk status Sig 0x53425355 T 0x1 R 0 Stat 0x0
usb-storage: Fixing INQUIRY data to show SCSI rev 2
usb-storage: scsi cmd done, result=0x0
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.
  Vendor: GENERIC   Model: Card Reader   CF  Rev: v26F
  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 02
usb-storage: queuecommand() called
usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
usb-storage: Bad target number (1/0)
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.
usb-storage: queuecommand() called
usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
usb-storage: Bad target number (2/0)
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.
usb-storage: queuecommand() called
usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
usb-storage: Bad target number (3/0)
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.
usb-storage: queuecommand() called
usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
usb-storage: Bad target number (4/0)
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.
usb-storage: queuecommand() called
usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
usb-storage: Bad target number (5/0)
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.
usb-storage: queuecommand() called
usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
usb-storage: Bad target number (6/0)
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.
usb-storage: queuecommand() called
usb-storage: *** thread awakened.
usb-storage: Bad target number (7/0)
usb-storage: *** thread sleeping.
WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured
USB Mass Storage device found at 3
usb.c: usb-storage driver claimed interface cf01dc80
USB Mass Storage support registered.