Am 21. Dec, 2003 schw=E4tzte Carl Parrish so:
> I've recently found that I can use fuser to free up a mount point when I
> can't figure out why its still busy. For example I would type
> fuser -v -m /mnt/cdrom
> to find out which user is currently using the cdrom then
> fuser -k -m /mnt/cdrom
> to kill it. Anyways I said all that to ask if perhaps you can do that
> with /dev/dsp. It saves me from having to reboot. Perhaps you can use a
> version of fuser. Any admins want to shead any thoughts on fuser? (yet
> another tool I wish I knew about 4 years ago)
fuser is a great tool. Sometimes things get borked beyond recall, though :(=
In my experience sound devices on GNU/Linux often have problems, so a reboo=
might be the only solution to freeing it up.
fuser will turn up esd and arts processes you don't know about :).
# I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans