Craig Brooksby said:
> <newbiezone>
> Anyone with experience and advice? Just point me in the right
> direction, please.
> I work part-time downtown (on Windows platform), and sometimes need a
> file sitting on my Linux box, at home.
> What I need is PuTTY?
PuTTY works well (at one time it didnt have a native SCP client, but I
think it does now. If not the SCP client they suggest is available on the
PuTTY site and works fine.
> Will it work like this? ("Ports" and whether or not they are "open" is
> still way over my head.) MyRH9box --> LnksysRouter --> CoxCbl -->
> Internet --> MyWindowsBox
Some steps to take (consider).
1. Is the ssh/scp port being blocked from the site you connecting FROM?
If so you will need to edit your sshd config files to allow ssh to run on
a different port (one that is not blocked by your connecting FROM)
2. Is the ssh/scp port being blocked from the site you are connecting TO
(i.e. your home computers)? If so you will need to edit your sshd config
file to all ssh to run on a different port (one that is not blocked by
your connecting TO)
3. You will need to configure Linksys Router to forward all requests to
whatever port you determine from (1 & 2 above) to the machine (ip address)
of the machine you want to be able to access. Most routers make this very
simple through a web administration interface.
Once you have the above done you should be able to connect and get a shell
as well transfer files back and forth.
> I suppose I should expect to get command line, not my Gnome Desktop.
It would be your command line only. However, if you installed X on your
windows box (there are a number to pick from) you should be able to run X
applications over ssh. It is pretty cool. However, if you want your
whole 'desktop', you are probably best off using something like VNC.