Author: Derek Neighbors Date: Subject: Focus problem with Mozilla & Knoppix
Kevin Brown wrote: |> I'm running Knoppix and Mozilla 1.3 and experiencing a really odd
|> problem. Whenever I open a new mozilla window (either a new session
|> or just open a link on a new window), Mozilla does not seem to receive
|> any keyboard events. Any keystrokes, whether in the address bar, a
|> form, or shortcuts cause no actions until I first minimize and then
|> restore the window. Anyone else seen this behaviour? |
| | This sounds like an issue with your choice of Window Manager under X.
I have seen this twice recently on Debian (unstable) with Mozilla 1.5.
I thought it had to do with Thunderbird. However, now I am thinking it
had to do with GNUCash. When ever I would enter things in GNUCash
registers then go to enter a url/form data in mozilla it wouldnt let me
type just as you explain. I am using Metacity as a window manager. It
doesn't appear to be a window manager issue.
I need to do concrete testing (get it to repeat on demand) then I will
file a bug against mozilla in Debian.