Author: Chris Gehlker Date: Subject: An embarrassing admission
I have a little iBook with a read only DVD drive, a big old LaCie CD
burner, a bunch of blank disks and a nice set of YDL install disks. I
wouldn't mind showing up at the InstallFest and duping YDL for anyone
who wants to try out a popular Mac distribution. But, here comes the
embarrassing part, I have no clue how to do this under Linux. Under OSX
I know how to set things up so the burner drive just streams out dups
of what's in the reader drive. Under Linux I don't even know how to get
the iBook to open the drive when it's empty.
I have recently discovered that *Linux has no hdiutil*. I sure it has
something else just as nice but I'm clueless and I may not catch a clue
before the InstallFest.