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On Sun, 2003-09-28 at 07:21, Bart Garst wrote:
> I'm afraid this got lost in Friday's discussions so here it is again...
> I've got a combination waiver/install menu up for review:
> http://members.cox.net/bartgarst/waiver.html
> or as an OOo document:
> http://members.cox.net/bartgarst/waiver.sxw
Here I go:
The purpose of this event is to distribute software packages that are
Open Source, legally distributable with no charge to the user.
I think that this should be "which is legally distributable"
installation, but I recognize that because the software installed at
this event is licensed free of charge, the copyright
I don't think the reason that we don't want any liability is because the
software is free. Microsoft doesn't have any liability if you read
their EULAs, and they charge a bunch!
I don't think we need to have the installer sign this do we?
I think the stuff on the bottom should be grouped into categories like
'basic' and 'advanced'. I would expect someone who's a newbie to get
confused with a selection like 'Telnet'. If it was under 'advanced'
they'd realize they weren't expected to understand.
Overall, cool, thanks for doing this.
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