Am 12. Sep, 2003 schw=E4tzte betty i so:
> after listening to everyone's arguments over these last few days, i think
> my next install will be debian :-)
Welcome to the dark side ;-).
> i like redhat (ease of use for a newbie; did my own install; like others,
> several times...) but it sounds like debian may be a new, fun challenge.
> ( i also tried mandrake and had trouble with the modem (external) part of
> the install so gave up after a few days)
I think most of us forget there is still such a thing a using a phone
connection. We really need to have a couple of people who're good at gettin=
dialup accounts configged as this seems to be a recurring issue.
I just wrote Eldric to see if we can get an analog phone into the install
room. If not we might be able to use cell phones. It would be better to hav=
a hard line, though. Who knows, maybe Morpheus will show up and save us :).
> don't a lot of people use their new machine set up for the internet and
> how will they do that with a winmodem?
winmodems needs to be one of the topics covered in the InstallFest section
on the web site. We also need to start re-using content like that rather
than re-creating it for every InstallFest.
# Motorraeder toeten nicht. Motorraeder werden getoetet.