I just tried searching apt-cache for some of these although the problem
is that there are quite a debian packages that contain the perl modules
I am interested in, so if I needed to install one of them I am not sure
where to start
I went to
and found this below
use ExtUtils::Installed;
my $instmod =3D ExtUtils::Installed->new();
foreach my $module ($instmod->modules()) {
my $version =3D $instmod->version($module) || "???";
print "$module -- $version\n";
Which should tell me what perl modules are installed instead I only get
the version of perl installed. =20
The real dilemma is that I am trying to configure squidalyser and it
depends on the previuos perl modules mentioned below.=20
Can I safely just run the perl script without knowing that the required
perl modules are installed or do I have to confirm that first? =20
Here are the instructions below:
"The squidparse.pl script takes data from the squid logfile and inserts
it into the MySQL database. It probably needs to be run as `root', since
it needs to read the logfile and ordinary users can't, under normal
circumstances, do this. Copy the script and its configuration file to
the appropriate location on your computer:
mkdir /usr/local/squidparse
cd squidalyser-0.2.53
cp squidparse/* /usr/local/squidparse
Next create a crontab entry to run the squidparse.pl script each
crontab -e
This will invoke your editor. Type this line at the end of that file:
00 03 * * * /usr/local/squidparse/squidparse.pl"
On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 14:18, der.hans wrote:
> Am 20. Aug, 2003 schw=E4tzte Jim so:
> > I need to install the below modules. What is the best way to install
> > these on Debian considering I could already have some of them installed
> > and do not want to create system havok.
> Generally, I suggest using debian packages.
> Most of the ones you list have packages, I believe.
> If you find one that doesn't use dh-make-perl. You can also use db-make-p=
> if you need a newer version than what is packaged. I did that to get the
> most recent SpamAssassin on my box running woody.
> dh-make-perl - Create debian packages from perl modules
> I use something like the following to locate packages perl modules.
> apt-cache search dbi | grep ^lib | grep perl
> ciao,
> der.hans