Am 20. Aug, 2003 schw=E4tzte Jim so:
> I need to install the below modules. What is the best way to install
> these on Debian considering I could already have some of them installed
> and do not want to create system havok.
Generally, I suggest using debian packages.
Most of the ones you list have packages, I believe.
If you find one that doesn't use dh-make-perl. You can also use db-make-per=
if you need a newer version than what is packaged. I did that to get the
most recent SpamAssassin on my box running woody.
dh-make-perl - Create debian packages from perl modules
I use something like the following to locate packages perl modules.
apt-cache search dbi | grep ^lib | grep perl
# Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans