Author: Mike Starke Date: Subject: General (stupid) question about modules
On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 03:41:57PM -0700, Rob Wultsch wrote:
/_Assuming a person is not using an old .config then after doing:
/_make modules
/_make modules_install
/_none of the modules are load by default, right?
/_If so then:
/_How does a person load a module at boot? Is this another thing that
/_plays with the SXXXXX stuff?
I do not happen to think it's a stupid question at all.
All these years I have never understood how modules load;
nor do I care to. That process has always been flaky for me at best.
I am a simple guy, if it doesn't load automagically at boot I just
throw a 'insmod <modulepath&name>' in a boot script and call it quits.