Setting up a Macintosh OSX Server - I wanted to set up the shared folder
so that people could share files but the files and folders are created
with settings of 644 and 755 respectively, meaning that the 'groups'
haven't any write access. This isn't good - obviously the remote users
have a umask of 022 and I really need them to have a umask of 002
I have tried some Q&D things that didn't work...
tried adding umask 002 to the end of /etc/rc.common and /etc/profile but
after logging off and then logging back on, it didn't make a difference.
I am not knowledgable at all about FreeBSD and I'm thinking that Apple
gets the user info from 'NetInfo' - as it is clear that the users that I
have added didn't make it into /etc/passwd
Anyone have any idea how to make the change so that files/folders saved
by users into the 'Shared' directory have a umask of 002 ?