We are looking for someone to whip up some graphics for the PLUG
Branded Knoppix CD for the AZ Tech Expo Next week. The following is a
list of the images needed. Is anyone available to crank these out
utilizing our existing logo (in the PLUG category in the plug website
... check plug media package)?
I think a simple modification of this Logo would be appropriate for all
of the images. Something that says "PLUG Knoppix" or something along
those lines.
I have included some info about all of the images I wish to replace and
I have links to the orignals so you can see what needs doing.
Anyone willing to help out, it would be greatly appreciated.
SYSLINUX Splash Screen
640x400 PNM
CD Label
Here are CD Label Guidelines.
* Stick to bright and high contrast colors. The printer has a
resolution of 300dpi, but a half-tone screen of 6x6. Gradient colors do
not do well (limitation of the thermal tape and media substrate).
* White will be printed as a transparency allowing the CD Silver to
show through.
* Do not use a solid color background. If you do not want a silver
bleed through, use a low resolution texture and light colors. All black
disks do not look well.
* The disc image should be 1350x1350 with a 600 pixel diameter hole
in the center. The resolution can be scaled as long as the proportions
are kept the same.
* Leave an area for a "Produced by" tag.
KDE Background
1024x768 JPG
KDE Splash Screen
400x60 PNG
400x16 PNG
400x60 PNG
400x244 PNG