Am 22. Jun, 2003 schw=E4tzte D Uhlman so:
> This is a reference for anyone who may have problems accessing the PLUG
> website over the next few days. It is being moved to our new hosting
> facility and I have not received an affirmative response on the DNS
> transition from the DNS admins over which we do not have control.
I got your email this afternoon and made the change before going out this
afternoon/evening. Haven't had a chance to talk to Brian to make sure
everything's hunky dory on his side.
Both name servers are showing the new addy, so we should be fine that way.
Some people might have problems with caching, though we probably don't have
too many AOL users on this list for some reason...
# "I decry the current tendency to seek patents on algorithms. There are
# better ways to earn a living than to prevent other people from making us=
# of one's contributions to computer science." -- Donald E. Knuth