Am 21. Jun, 2003 schw=E4tzte Kevin Brown so:
> All mail must look like it is coming from the PR employees email address
> All mail must seem to be going to just the recipient (makes the email
> look like a personal mail)
Does the body of the message need to be different based on recipient? If so=
it's time to replace the employee with a small shell script... :).
There's also mail-merge in
If the body of the message doesn't need to be personalized you could use a
mailing list manager.
> Only certain email addresses should be able to send mail to the list
> (restricted to moderators, not just subscribers)
Easy to do with MLM.
PLUG uses mailman. Some things I don't like about it, but it should work
just fine for what you want.
> The problems:
> If the software runs on the frontend email server, then it isn't under
> our control.
> If the software runs on the web server, then it can't receive mail
> itself for the mailing list software since all mail for our domain goes
> through the remote frontend servers which are only set to forward to the
> Exchange system.
That's fine. Since you're wanting to use the PR dudes email addy anyway,
just send the mail from the web server. If mailman doesn't have a web
interface to insert a message into the system, set one up on the web server=
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