Author: Thanasis Kinias Date: Subject: Good Bye Gnome, Hello KDE, I hope
scripsit David Huerta: > Eh, somehow I get the impression you're not quite ready for Debian
> yet. We'll work on making you a h4rdc0r3 Linux user in the mean time.
I realize you're not entirely serious, but I am curious why you would
say someone would be `not quite ready for Debian yet' but might be for
RH, for example. Assuming one has recourse to support for figuring out
the drivers to set up in the installation (or uses Knoppix to install?),
I can't imagine why running a Debian desktop box would be any more of a
trial for a new Linux user than any other distro...
Pax vobiscum; pax cum omnibus.
Thanasis Kinias
tkinias at
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.