Hello everyone,
I have a client that needs, at the core, someone who understands PHP and =
ASP. Linux admin duties, and some light end user support (setup account,=
change passwords, etc). I have already migrated Exchange to Linux with a=
front end that will need some work, and need someone who can move their=20
websites from IIS to Apache, and work with an ODBC connection to an AS400=
=2E =20
Will also setup custom admin pages.
Contract to start, possible hire. They are willing to pay at a rate of 4=
per year (3500/month) to start, it's better than nothing.
They are located at roughly Peoria and 17. =20
8 hours a day ie 8-5 w/lunch or 7-4 w/lunch or 8-4 no lunch, whatever you=
I guess.
If you are not interested, pass it on to someone who might be. If you ar=
interested, email me off list.