This was the original beginning when I tried the postnuke install via
the install.php script per postnuke instructions.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_pconnect() in
/var/www/html/postnuke/html/install/newinstall.php on line 36
Then I started to run from the command line mysql commands. That's when
I discovered I had some user id problems looking at the main mysql DB. I
was able to get in w/o a password. That finally got resolved, so I went
back to the postnuke install.
Still getting the same error, so I "up2date php-mysql" (RH8) and it
updated a bunch of stuff. Running phpinfo(), while showing what is in
the dbx section as below, does not show a mysql section. And I still
have the error as shown above.
Via the command line I'm able to get into the mysql and test DB's and
poke around, so I know mysql is up. php seems to work, but not the DB
Beleive it or not, on a previous (Mandrake) installation, I had similar
problems that did get resolved by uninstalling and re-installing php and
mysql, but I don't remember doing apache with that too because webmin
showed php support for the apache module.
And now when I use webmin to check out the mysql svr, I get a password
prompt as I expect.
I do apologize to the list for all this! I've been searching the net
like crazy to find others' fixes.
Craig White wrote:
> I have to say that it is difficult to help you when I after many posts,
> I still don't understand what the problem is.
> I have to believe that removing & reinstalling apache & php will have
> nothing whatsoever to do with your problem.
> when you run the phpinfo test that was you get this in
> the dbx section?
> dbx
> dbx support enabled
> dbx version 1.0.0
> supported databases MySQL
> PostgreSQL
> Microsoft SQL Server
> FrontBase
> Oracle 8 (not really)
> Sybase-CT
> Craig
> On Sat, 2003-02-08 at 10:43, mazdaracer wrote:
>>Let's step back a moment.
>>Initially the discovery came when trying to install postnuke and getting
>>the "connect" not defined problem.
>>Wrote a quick test script for phpinfo. (point to
>>No MySQL section per Mr. Young.
>>I then did "up2date php-mysql" and it updated a bunch of stuff.
>>I restarted httpd and mysql.
>>Ran test.php and still no mysql section.
>>And all this after the login issues, which seem to be ok now.
>>I must be missing a step (at least!). Been looking thru "PHP and MySQL
>>Web Development" by Sams for some guidance but it's not much at this stage.
>>My next inclination is to remove all the php and mysql packages, stop
>>httpd and re-install them from up2date. (RH8 btw)
>>Craig White wrote:
>>>Just out of curiousity
>>>What command are your running and what did you expect that you're not
>>>On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 16:21, mazdaracer wrote:
>>>>Getting there! Now I have this installed:
>>>>[pete@rotor installed]$ rpm -qa | grep -i php
>>>>[pete@rotor installed]$
>>>>I've restarted httpd. Looks like I need to do something else yet to get
>>>>php - mysql to talk. phpinfo still doesn't come up with any mysql data.
>>>>mazdaracer wrote:
>>>>>I thought I had things figured out from the last msg from George. But
>>>>>when I got back on this morning, I see I can get into the mysql DB
>>>>>without a password as a regular user (me, pete). Also, in webmin, I can
>>>>>easily see everything too. The password for the DB is different from my
>>>>>regular root password, but still no prompting. Here's the output from
>>>>>this morning:
>>>>>[pete@rotor pete]$ mysqlshow
>>>>>| Databases |
>>>>>| Phoenix |
>>>>>| mysql |
>>>>>| test |
>>>>>[pete@rotor pete]$ mysql
>>>>>Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
>>>>>Your MySQL connection id is 22 to server version: 3.23.55
>>>>>Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
>>>>>mysql> use Phoenix
>>>>>Database changed
>>>>>mysql> show tables;
>>>>>Empty set (0.00 sec)
>>>>>mysql> use mysql
>>>>>Reading table information for completion of table and column names
>>>>>You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
>>>>>Database changed
>>>>>mysql> show tables;
>>>>>| Tables_in_mysql |
>>>>>| columns_priv |
>>>>>| db |
>>>>>| func |
>>>>>| host |
>>>>>| tables_priv |
>>>>>| user |
>>>>>6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>>>>>mysql> select User,Host,Password from user;
>>>>>| User | Host | Password |
>>>>>| root | localhost | 77f55a9e14442c8f |
>>>>>| root | | 77f55a9e14442c8f |
>>>>>2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
>>>>>With only root in the DB I would think I'd be prompted each and every time.
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