more MySQL issues

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Author: Craig White
Subject: more MySQL issues
I have to say that it is difficult to help you when I after many posts,
I still don't understand what the problem is.

I have to believe that removing & reinstalling apache & php will have
nothing whatsoever to do with your problem.

when you run the phpinfo test that was you get this in
the dbx section?

dbx support enabled
dbx version 1.0.0
supported databases MySQL
Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle 8 (not really)


On Sat, 2003-02-08 at 10:43, mazdaracer wrote:
> Let's step back a moment.
> Initially the discovery came when trying to install postnuke and getting
> the "connect" not defined problem.
> Wrote a quick test script for phpinfo. (point to
> No MySQL section per Mr. Young.
> I then did "up2date php-mysql" and it updated a bunch of stuff.
> I restarted httpd and mysql.
> Ran test.php and still no mysql section.
> And all this after the login issues, which seem to be ok now.
> I must be missing a step (at least!). Been looking thru "PHP and MySQL
> Web Development" by Sams for some guidance but it's not much at this stage.
> My next inclination is to remove all the php and mysql packages, stop
> httpd and re-install them from up2date. (RH8 btw)
> pete
> Craig White wrote:
> > Just out of curiousity
> > What command are your running and what did you expect that you're not
> > getting?
> >
> > Craig
> >
> > On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 16:21, mazdaracer wrote:
> >
> >>Getting there! Now I have this installed:
> >>[pete@rotor installed]$ rpm -qa | grep -i php
> >>asp2php-0.76.2-3
> >>php-odbc-4.2.2-8.0.5
> >>php-4.2.2-8.0.5
> >>php-mysql-4.2.2-8.0.5
> >>php-manual-4.2.2-8.0.5
> >>php-imap-4.2.2-8.0.5
> >>php-devel-4.2.2-8.0.5
> >>php-ldap-4.2.2-8.0.5
> >>php-snmp-4.2.2-8.0.5
> >>asp2php-gtk-0.76.2-3
> >>php-pgsql-4.2.2-8.0.5
> >>[pete@rotor installed]$
> >>
> >>I've restarted httpd. Looks like I need to do something else yet to get
> >>php - mysql to talk. phpinfo still doesn't come up with any mysql data.
> >>pete
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>mazdaracer wrote:
> >>
> >>>I thought I had things figured out from the last msg from George. But
> >>>when I got back on this morning, I see I can get into the mysql DB
> >>>without a password as a regular user (me, pete). Also, in webmin, I can
> >>>easily see everything too. The password for the DB is different from my
> >>>regular root password, but still no prompting. Here's the output from
> >>>this morning:
> >>>
> >>>[pete@rotor pete]$ mysqlshow
> >>>+-----------+
> >>>| Databases |
> >>>+-----------+
> >>>| Phoenix   |
> >>>| mysql     |
> >>>| test      |
> >>>+-----------+
> >>>[pete@rotor pete]$ mysql
> >>>Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> >>>Your MySQL connection id is 22 to server version: 3.23.55

> >>>
> >>>Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
> >>>
> >>>mysql> use Phoenix
> >>>Database changed
> >>>mysql> show tables;
> >>>Empty set (0.00 sec)
> >>>
> >>>mysql> use mysql
> >>>Reading table information for completion of table and column names
> >>>You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
> >>>
> >>>Database changed
> >>>mysql> show tables;
> >>>+-----------------+
> >>>| Tables_in_mysql |
> >>>+-----------------+
> >>>| columns_priv    |
> >>>| db              |
> >>>| func            |
> >>>| host            |
> >>>| tables_priv     |
> >>>| user            |
> >>>+-----------------+
> >>>6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

> >>>
> >>>mysql> select User,Host,Password from user;
> >>>+------+--------------------------+------------------+
> >>>| User | Host                     | Password         |
> >>>+------+--------------------------+------------------+
> >>>| root | localhost                | 77f55a9e14442c8f |
> >>>| root | | 77f55a9e14442c8f |
> >>>+------+--------------------------+------------------+
> >>>2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

> >>>
> >>>mysql>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>With only root in the DB I would think I'd be prompted each and every time.
> >>>
> >>>pete
> ---------------------------------------------------
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