On Sun, 2002-10-13 at 15:01, Michael Havens wrote: > phrase.... I have no idea what I am doing! They made it easy enough to
> mount/unmount drives (with the cheater program) but how does one look at the
> directory of said drive? Is there a cheater program for that process? Is
> there a way to put a link to the drives on the desktop/homepage?
The way that linux mounts "drives" is to make them show up as
directories. You end up with something that looks like one big drive to
whoever is using the system. You can mount a drive absolutly anywhere
inside the filesystem, but the default on redhat is to mount them inside
/mnt so if you have mounted the cdrom, try looking in /mnt/cdrom.
I'm sure there is a GUI equivelent, but I can't think of it off the top
of my head since I always use the command line version, but you can type
"df" on a command line and it will show you where all of them are
mounted and how much space/free space they have.
> 7.3 (not eight) with KDE as the GUI. I think I'm running out of memorybecause
> with LInux, if too many windows are open in the correct sequence my machine
> locks up. I thought Linux was good when it came to memory usage! Oh well; I'm
Linux generally is pretty good with memory. Starting X tends to use a
whole bunch of ram, but after that, the programs tend to be fairly
small. You shouldn't be running out of ram that quickly though, unless
you didn't configure a swap space on the hard drive.
try typing "free" on a command like and it will tell you how much space
you have set aside for swap.
> Michelle, are you out there? I downloaded JPilot (for my Visor PDA) and I
> don't know how to compile it. How do you run the applet it tells you to run
> to compile it with and then how do to compile it?
redhat comes with jpilot, at least it used to. Take a look on your
installation CDs and I think you will find it there all precompiled.