I also have found that Open Office is not perfect, with DOC or XLS files.
Things out of the ordinary, like odd input boxes or lesser used math
functions do not translate that well.
On the other hand, the developers are to be commended for doing as well as
they have in getting a program to mostly work with a proprietary and closed
format. I would not want the task of reverse engineering the MS DOC format!
I've done stuff like that before but not with a format that complex.
On Monday 16 September 2002 07:55 pm, Darrell Shandrow wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> Unfortunately, I am not quite convinced with respect to Open Office. Some
> of my colleagues have sent me Open Office documents which have been
> converted to Microsoft Word format, and they have lacked some structural
> elements which they would have contained if they had been created using
> Microsoft Word. I am a blind person, and document accessibility to screen
> readers is paramount. At this time, when it comes to accessibility, MS has
> it all over Sun. Currently, even the Windows version of Open Office isn't
> accessible to screen readers.
> Thanks.