Am 09. Jul, 2002 schwätzte Robert Bushman so:
> I might see this as, "they are overstating their
> independance from Microsoft." But I think that was
> in their best interests yesterday - to help us
> (who can be a bit reactionary) to see that they
> have tried other technologies. To make the point
> that they aren't choosing Microsoft blind.
Yes. A m$ group would've gotten a history on Lin and Paul's experience with
m$ products.
We don't have to agree with their conclusions and as citizens we can keep
pushing to get them to accept our conclusions. We need, however, to be more
familiar with their structure and processes to know where to best plan our
pushes to adopt technologies not hampered by illegal activities.
# Passwords are like underwear. You don't share them, you don't hang them on
# your monitor, or under your keyboard, you don't email them, or put them on
# a web site, and you must change them very often. -- Unknown