I was under the impression that they had, but stating an exclusivity with
microsoft as their vendor of choice. However, that was based on prior
statements made here before the full synopsis was made by der hans (thanks
still, I am getting the impression that they are making excuses.
in any case, alternative avenues may now need to be explored.
sorry if I seem a bit intense on this point, but I have just gotten done with
repairing a machine here at home that had winblows on it that became infected
with a few worms, a virii or 2 and 2 trojan horses (it even tried to phone
home when i connected it into the lan).
so, I don't have a lot of respect for MS products and their attempts as
adaptability user the MSAA sucks.
On Tuesday 09 July 2002 02:31 am, you wrote: > Am 09. Jul, 2002 schwätzte technomage so:
> > since they have taken the stance to be adversarial, it gives us a lot
> > more
> The County's representatives that were there today have not taken an
> adversarial stance. They haven't rolled over and given into our requests,
> but that isn't necessarily confrontational.
> Let's not get adversarial with any organization we approach without cause.
> ciao,
> der.hans
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My life is my own - No. 6