Am 23. May, 2002 schwätzte Dennis Kibbe so:
> I've written a short press release about the InstallFest that Bill might want
> to fax to KTAR's Computer Corner show which is every Saturday morning from
> 10:00-11:45. It would be great to get a mention on the show and even better
> if they did a remote or at least a call in to see how things are going. The
> show is sponsored by Data Doctors .
Lots of places we can send it. I might be able to get it released on the
> Feel free to make any improvements to my humble efforts. Do a Google
> search on "How to write a press release" for tips.
Please send diffs or something like that. Finding a couple of unmarked fixes
in the text is annoying.
We need a 'what is PLUG' paragraph at the bottom, similar to the LUNA
announcement. That's something the press will expect. The paragraph should
have the URL. Maybe mention that we have east- and westside meetings.
We can mention contact@PLUG for PLUG. Maybe installfest@PLUG for the
Installfest and we set that up to go to Bill and whoever wants to help with
that. Or maybe just go directly to him. The press will want a name, not a
group account...
There should also be a paragraph about SCC since they're hosting.
I would like us to say GNU/Linux in the materials for the Installfest.
> Dennis Kibbe
> Ps - be sure to double space the printed copy
> =======================================
> <today's date here>
> On Saturday June 22 from 10am to 4pm the Phoenix Linux Users Group will
Do we have the room beyond 16:00? We need to officially shutdown an hour
before we need to be out of there.
> sponsor a Linux InstallFest at Scottsdale Community College, 9000 E. Chaperal
> Rd., Scottsdale. This is an opportunity for computers users to receive expert
> help in installing Linux, a freely available operating system, on their
> personal computer.
> Because it freely downloadable from the Internet or available as an
> inexpensive distribution at most local computer stores Linux is an
> increasingly popular alternative to commercial operating systems such as
> Microsoft Windows. In addition Linux is considered by many computer experts
> to be a more robust and secure operating system.
> Computer users are welcome to bring their personal computers to the event and
personal computers and laptops.
> receive help from PLUG members in installing Linux along side Microsoft
> Windows on their computers. There is no charge for this service. Club members
It probably works the way you have it, but I'd rather get something about
installing GNU/Linux standalone. Maybe something like "... installing
GNU/Linux, even alongside m$ ..."
> will available to answer questions about Linux as well. The event is open to
will be available, don't think I've seen that correction yet.
> the public.
Put in info about room, etc. for the Installfest.
Put in a paragraph explaining what equip people need to bring in.
> For more information about the InstallFest please contact <put contact info
> here - Bill, I guess you're it!>
They'll want a phone number as well as an email addy.
> More informationa about PLUG can be found on the website at
> .
# We now return you to your regularly scheduled paranoia...