Am 18. Oct, 2001 schwätzte Kimi A. Adams so:
> Well, seeing as how I have been in and out for the last three days, I have
> missed this important event. Is there going to be another meeting
> somewhere soon? It's my understanding that to continue with PLUG, you have
> to have a key and have it signed, etc.
There is no requirement for gpg to participate in the group. There is no
proposal to change that.
Jiva had brought up a recurring proposal to start elections and to use gpg
and smtp as the methods of voting.
There was a lot of traffic on the mailing list saying we don't need to
formalize or worry about elections. The issue was also brought up at the
meeting. It seems that most people feel we don't need to formalize the
group's existence. A few people brought up negative experiences with such a
transition with other groups in the past.
With AZOTO our main reason for formalizing PLUG as a legal entitiy and
needing elections seems to have been eliminated.
As to the key-signing party, it went with the ASULUG presentation. We could
actually do that every meeting.
# The only way for a woman to change a man
# is if he's wearing Depends[TM] - der.hans