Author: foodog Date: Subject: Items left at last WestSide meeting
Yup, it takes me forever to get to stuff. At the last GCC meeting
someone abandoned assorted books and a somewhat larger, more expensive
item. Can whomever that was contact me? If they were intended as
doorprizes for a meeting it's quite generous... Anyway, will the
anonymous WestSide benefactor get in touch? Thanks much,
BTW, the fabled "TURBOLINUX Linux Foundation Pack - A Comprehensive
Learning Program for Linux Professionals" will be going home with one
lucky PLUGger at the Tuesday, August 21st meeting. Peeking through the
shrinkwrap, it contains:
Getting started: Users guide and CD-ROMS
Linux fundamentals
Linux Network Administration
Linux System Administration
Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide.
The whole collection is housed in a stylish cardboard bookcase/box,
adorned with what looks like a young Captain Kirk, gazing skyward as
though inspired. Hoo-wee.
I'm thinking maybe there should be a talent competition to determine who
gets it. ;-)