Author: Mark R. Myers Date: Subject: POP3 problem solved
I've solved my own POP3 & Apache server problem!
I wiped out NT Server on my server PC and instead installed Mandrake 7.
I noticed that by default Mandrake installs with a POP3 server, so I
just left that be.
I removed postfix and instead installed sendmail with a mail relay file.
All works flawlessly.
I even installed RealServer on it without a hitch.
I'm as happy as can be. I Linux server serving the Internet plus a Win98
box (my wife's) and my Win2K Pro box.
I couldn't be happier.
I think Linux is FAR superior to NT, but it has a ways to go to capture
the desktop market. IMHO, Win2K is better on the working desktop.
Now I just need to download StarOffice for Win32 and I'll be all set.