The devil you know

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at
Thu Mar 24 14:35:14 MST 2011

From: Nathan England <nathan at>
> I also just spent about a week with openSUSE 11.4 and well... it
> only lasted about a week and I'm back on Fedora again. It is
> interesting to me. SUSE has always been a KDE supporter [...] So how
> is it that a KDE based distro can manage to screw up KDE so
> horridly?

IME, since 1999, SuSE has had more weird bugs and more problems than just
about any other distro.  I started out with SuSE, used it for a couple of
years, then tried Gentoo, and said, "@#$%!!  Everything just works the way
it's supposed to!  I'm not going back!"

> I guess it's not really KDE they messed up, but their system and
> package system is bollocks!

The packaging's RPM-based, but whatever.  I just found that updates in SuSE
tended to break stuff, packages for some programs were missing, and it was
often difficult or impossible to compile things from source without grabbing
more recent libs and compiling *them* from source.

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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