Looking for NAS Hardware Recommendations

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.com
Tue Jul 5 08:42:54 MST 2011

Mark and company:

QNAP systems might cost a bit like Drobo (but not as much as Drobo), but SAN and NAS storage none the less.  Their URL is


The 459 Pro II is a modern version of a client of our's 459 Pro+ which is quite nice (and quite underutilized by the client as well ;-) ).


--- Crawford

The Linux ETC Company
10121 Yates Court
Westminster, CO 80031 USA
voice:  +1.303.604.2550
web:    http://www.linux-etc.com

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----- Mark Phillips <mark at phillipsmarketing.biz> wrote: -----
> I have a small network and would like to set up some network
> backaup/storage. I looked at Best Buy and the WD MyBook 2TB NAS
> storage
> looked good at $150, but the reviews were terrible. I checked Fry's
> and the
> Iomega 2TB StoreCenter is more expensive ($239), but is has a few more
> bells
> and whistles, and is a bit faster, but runs hot according to the
> reviews.
> What I am looking for:
> 1-2 TB storage
> network access
> access to stored files via the Internet
> compatible with Linux for automatic backups
> Have you used any of these devices, or do you recommend another brand?
> Thanks!
> Mark

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