Intel-Core2 Duo T7500 or AMD-Turion 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-64

Kurt Granroth kurt+plug-discuss at
Wed Oct 24 19:13:14 MST 2007

Ted Gould wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 21:02 -0700, Jorge Delacruz wrote:
>> However, what I think is more important is the video
>> chipset.  Avoid Intel video.
> I wouldn't really agree with this.  While, for gamers, the Intel
> chipsets are underpowered, for most users that isn't an issue.  But,
> Intel has a better track record with Open Source.  While ATI has opened
> up specs Intel is paying engineers to write open source drivers.  Unless
> your doing hard core gaming, I would recommend Intel on Linux.

Indeed.  Really, the only problem I have with Intel graphics is that
it's nigh impossible to get an external PCI-E card that uses them.  If
you want, say, a PCI-E card with dual output, your choices are ATI or
NVIDIA... and that's it.  Fat lot of good open specs and open drivers do
you if you can't actually get a card that uses them!


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