Intel-Core2 Duo T7500 or AMD-Turion 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-64

Craig White craigwhite at
Wed Oct 24 19:24:14 MST 2007

On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 19:13 -0700, Kurt Granroth wrote:
> Ted Gould wrote:
> > On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 21:02 -0700, Jorge Delacruz wrote:
> >> However, what I think is more important is the video
> >> chipset.  Avoid Intel video.
> > 
> > I wouldn't really agree with this.  While, for gamers, the Intel
> > chipsets are underpowered, for most users that isn't an issue.  But,
> > Intel has a better track record with Open Source.  While ATI has opened
> > up specs Intel is paying engineers to write open source drivers.  Unless
> > your doing hard core gaming, I would recommend Intel on Linux.
> Indeed.  Really, the only problem I have with Intel graphics is that
> it's nigh impossible to get an external PCI-E card that uses them.  If
> you want, say, a PCI-E card with dual output, your choices are ATI or
> NVIDIA... and that's it.  Fat lot of good open specs and open drivers do
> you if you can't actually get a card that uses them!
Given the pricing of some of the nVidia chipset cards, there's little
incentive for Intel to compete on this since it's only the Linux users
who would jump on them.


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