QT compiled size

Dan Lund situationalawareness at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 10:09:12 MST 2007

The Linux version uses Xlib style calls on the backend, and doesn't do
anything window manager'ish.  It's just X, no dependence on anything
other than X.
It might have something to do with documentation installed, or the
trolltech development stuff, etc.  The linux version does come with
alot more usually, simply since it's geared towards developers.

What does Ruby & Python have to do with QT?

On Nov 29, 2007 9:35 AM, Chris Gehlker <canyonrat at mac.com> wrote:

> Aha, you could very well be right. The OS X version runs atop Quartz
> analogously to the way the Linux version runs atop X11. But if I
> understand  correctly, the Linux version has a built  in window
> manager while the OS X version is relying on the Quartz window
> manager. So it's probably just a shim to assure that Ruby and Python
> programs are portable.

Dan Lund

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