Free vs. No Cost -- OT -- off-topic rant.

Josef Lowder joe at
Tue Mar 20 22:49:00 MST 2007

On Tue, 20 Mar 2007, der.hans wrote
> I'm trying to emphasize Free as in Freedom whenever I say Free 
> Software, therefore I want another phrase for no cost ... 

The real meaning of the word "free" ... lists 22 entries for the word "free," 
the first of which lists 49 separate meanings. A review
of the abbreviated essence of each is illuminating.

One of my pet peeves is false-advertisers who misuse the word
"free" by offering something "free ... with the purchase of ..."
If any kind of purchase is required, then the so-called "free" 
item is not "free" at all.

Anyone who misuses the word "free" in that way should be 
required by law to actually give away FREE whatever they have 
falsely claimed is "free."

Consider all of these definitions of the word "free."
It is interesting to contemplate how perfectly so many of 
them apply to Linux.

(Note: "without cost" is way down the list at #36.)

1. enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person who is not in slavery
2. pertaining to those who enjoy personal liberty
3. having liberty
4. enjoying autonomy, not under foreign rule, independent.
5. exempt from external authority, interference, restriction
6. able to do something at will, free to choose
7. clear of obstructions or obstacles
8. not occupied or in use, as in the phone line is free.
9. exempt from controls, restraints, burdens
10. having immunity or being safe from danger
11. not subject to a charge or payment: free parking or a free sample
12. given without expectation of return or reward, as in free advice
13. unimpeded, as in motion or movement
14. not held fast, unattached
15. not joined to or in contact with something else
16. acting without restraint
17. ready or generous in giving, free with giving advice
18. given readily or in profusion
19. frank and open, unconstrained, unceremonious
20. unrestrained, free behavior
21. not subject to special regulations, restrictions, etc.
22. characterized by free enterprise, a free economy
23. that which may be used by or is open to all
24. engaged in by all present
25. not literal, as a translation, loose
26. uncombined chemically, as free oxygen
27. traveling without power, under no force except gravity or inertia
28. Phonetics. open as opposed to checked (or restricted)
29. at liberty to enter and enjoy at will
30. not subject to rules, set forms
31. easily worked
36. without cost, payment, or charge
39. to make free, set at liberty, release from bondage
43. free up, release from restrictions
44. for free, without charge
45. free and clear
48. set free, to release, liberate, set the prisoners free
49. with a free hand, generously, freely, openhandedly
# Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty
# Not controlled by obligation or the will of another
# Governed by consent
# Not subject to arbitrary interference
# Costing nothing

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