fc5: wifi & ndiswrapper

Daniel Brown majorshitbird at cox.net
Tue Mar 28 15:10:52 MST 2006

You might try purchasing a Orinoco PCMCIA wireless card, I have a 
similar laptop zv5030 and have never been able to get the integrated 
wireless to work. Have had no problem with my using this brand of PCMCIA 
wireless card with Fedora Core 3 & 4.
Josh Coffman wrote:

>Yeah, I've watched the threads on the fedora list, but
>nothing seems to have been clarified for me.
>I'm using and really liking FC5, but the ndiswrapper
>seems to have taken a step backwards. Or at least
>something with kernel modules. (the non-gpl thing
>BTW, this is on a pavilion zv5440 with a broadcom
>43xx. I will eventually try the bcm43xx driver.
>Using either the livna ndiswapper packages or
>compiling from source, I have the same problem. I
>don't get an entry in modprob.conf unless I amnually
>enter it. So system-network-config doesn't see
>ndiswrapper(wlan0) as a type of wireless device it can
>When I enter "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" in
>modprob.conf, I can add wlan0 in sys-net-cfg but it
>can't actually manage it and causes NetwrokManager to
>lose control of it unless I remove and reinstall
>Anyone understand what is going on and how I could fix
>it? I'm fine with using cli to manage it, but my
>family uses it too.
>║ j≈ 
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