Seeking PLUG new website input

eculbert eculbert at
Tue Dec 19 16:56:46 MST 2006

I hope this group has enough 'brains' NOT to make it
hard to read with say light blue on medium blue text!
Easy reading please!! It currently is, just a request
from bad eyes.

Dand weather, would go to the meeting as my 'other
interest' had an early meeting this month... Tooooo
cold for me to bus/bike there.

Ed Culbertson

Dang, 'nother year gone!! 

--- Alan Dayley <alandd at> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I had a computer adventure this weekend that
> interrupted this request
> for input (Stupid Windows!).  But, here it is!
> As announced at the East Side Meeting, we have
> started a project to
> improve PLUG's online infrastructure.  We are
> starting with the website.
>  Several people on the plug-webdev email list are
> actively participating
> directly in this effort.
> The first short phase is to repair the broken
> aspects of the current
> site.  You may have noticed the calendar has finally
> been replaced.  We
> also have efforts proceeding to restore the
> Multimedia and Downloads
> sections of the site.  We will then have it back to
> previous
> functionality to use while the new site is
> implemented.
> We now need your input and participation!
> What do you want the PLUG website to have?  What
> features do you like in
> the current site and what would you add?  What would
> you do different?
> Everything is game: major features, layout, colors,
> etc.
> Please keep it as a generic feature discussion as
> opposed to specific
> content engines.  For example, you might suggest
> "online forums" but not
> "Use Super Duper Forum Maker"  We are looking for
> feature descriptions
> which will translate to requirements.  We will then
> go hunting for the
> content management system or pieces to fulfill the
> requirements.
> Providing examples of sites with the feature or
> features you like is
> very appropriate.
> Just post your responses in this thread.  If you'd
> like just lurk or
> even join in the actual effort, pleased subscribe to
> the plug-webdev
> email list:
> Alan
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
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> =DtcT
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