using dd to backup entire hard drive

Alan Dayley
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 00:14:39 -0700 (GMT)

This is double-plus good!

Thinking: Hmmm... migrate to new hard drive...
1. Purchase propreitary "ghost" utility, $$$ out of pocket, have to use propreitary OS...
2. Use dd and parted and I'm done...
Which to choose...

I love Free Software!


-------Original Message-------
From: Craig White <>
Sent: 01/30/03 09:55 PM
Subject: Re: Re: using dd to backup entire hard drive

> As a follow up, being the impatient person that I am, I just went ahead
and did it.

dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdd bs=512

and it worked fine (target drive was slave on secondary controller,
hence /dev/hdd

copied everything but left the extra space on the target drive
unpartitioned and obviously parted would have to be used to move and/or
resize partitions.
