Installfest questions....

Sat, 25 May 2002 14:16:52 -0700

Jim wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I think this, like all, Install Fests, should concentrate on the newbies to 
> Linux.  As such, we should concentrate on getting up a familiar desktop (KDE) 
> and making sure that they can access the Internet. 

This implies that we should have each person bring in their modem cables nad 
the phone number, username, password, etc. of their ISP so we can help set all 
of that up.

Modem init strings can be a troublesome.

We need to post some minimum hardware requirements to try to minimize the 
amount of incompatible hardware that is brought. Perhaps a link to the linux 
hardware compatibilty lists are in order.

Kevin O'Connor

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