
Kimi A. Adams plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 13:57:38 -0700

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I have some information about the redeployment of Ricochet.  It seems that 
no one in the valley has seriously stepped up to the plate with interest in 
being a partner with marketing, technical and management of the 
network.  Oh, and there is a little bit of a funding matter that the 
partner would need to come up with.

So, anyone have some extra money laying around they could be pool 
together?  : )   The bottom line is that the funding money to implement 
before year end is really huge.  No one wants to step up to the plate for 
that.  There are only approx. 4,000 customers that were on service here in 
Phoenix.  So, if Aire Networks has to implement themselves, it will be next 
year or even longer as they are picking those states to deploy where they 
have a marketing/funding partner first and then deploy all others themselves.

If anyone has several million just laying around, I do have direct contact 
with an Aire Network owner.  The other item that must be in place in order 
to deploy is a local ISP company.  Which is why I got a response I 
guess.  There have been responses back to funding partners but none of them 
are willing to part with a few million to implement.  Aire Networks will 
talk to me at least, so call me directly if you are serious and actually 
have several million laying around.  Otherwise, we can wait for them to 
deploy in a year or two.

Just a bit of information, I have two people that I will approach for 
funding.  It's possible that they may want to lend some money in places 
that make sense.  I won't know for another two weeks though as one is out 
of country.  This is definitely not a post to hype people up but more of an 
update.  Please don't shoot the messenger!  hehehe   But in all aspects, I 
am wanting to seriously consider doing this for the Phoenix area and would 
like to exhaust all efforts if possible to do so.


Kimi Adams
Unity Wave

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