ISO9660 size question

Lynn David Newton
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:21:12 -0700

  >> Who can tell me what the correct upper limit on
  >> the size of an iso9660 (CD image) file system is,
  >> in blocks? Or in megabytes?

  Craig> will answer most of your
  Craig> questions.

Wow! Yep, that has everything all right. Sometimes the
problem with finding information is having *waaay* too
much and not being able to see the forest for the
trees, when simply asking someone who understands what
you need to know and knows the answer instantly clears
up the problem.

I had that problem trying to plow through the
1700+-line mkisofs man page, which is filled with
enormous amounts of information about stuff I never
heard of, when all I wanted was to know what options
and arguments to use to make a reasonably compatible
image of my home directory. (Or part of it.) It took a
while, but I now know how.

  Craig> ... Section 2 should give you the format
  Craig> information you are looking for.

Way too much there. Actually, my eyes happened to fall
by chance on section 7.6 "How much data can they
hold?", which is precisely what I wanted to know.

Problem solved. Thanks Craig.

Lynn David Newton
Phoenix, AZ