Meeting topic = Sendmail

Mike Starke
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 22:28:44 -0500

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 08:03:33PM -0700, Entelin wrote:
/_Yeah thats definately true, unfortunately qmail, and postfix cant really
/_be a full replacement for internal outlook integrated mail, which many
/_really like :P But they are unparalleled for speed and reliability. I
/_have been hearing a bit about volution which is postfix baised and is
/_supposed to offer some sort of outlook compatability. I havent looked
/_into it myself.
/_On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 12:36, tickticker wrote:
/_> I agree knowledge of all three is important (I have some qmail, next to no postfix, and have stayed away from sendmail at the urging of others) to me, being from a MS world, it's more important to get people off of MS Exchange and onto *nix than Sendmail to anything.  If there were migration paths from Exchange to any *nix server, then the world would be a safer and spam freer (such a word?), and I could sleep at night knowing that I won't get any more calls to fix some MCPs Exchange install in the middle of the night.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not think we are comparing apples
to apples here:

MS Exchange is a collaboration environment: Public folders, Addressbooks, Calendars, 
and yes, a place for email.

Sendmail, Qmail, Postfix, Exim and others are simply SMTP servers.

Evolution and MS Outlook are simply email clients; both cable of connecting
to an Exchange server (I think Evolution needs an Add-on).
