I have run out of time?! Can anyone please help?

Shea Ferring shea.ferring@analex.com
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 09:18:11 -0700

Hello Phoenix Linux Users,
	I have been playing around with Linux over the last few months, setting up
a secure web server which runs perl cgi scripts, sends mail, uses openssl
and does everything else a web server should do. Anyway, I have been using a
lot of the standard message boards for answering my questions, and reading
online docs and bought a few books, but I have run out of time and there are
still a few more bugs that I have not figured out, and have not gotten
answers to. I was wondering if there is anyone in the phoenix area who may
have a free night available who can come over and help me clear up some of
these problems. I know this is not a standard post, but I am in desperate
need for some help, and getting hands on help is so much faster than online
communication. If any of you Linux/Web gurus have a few free hours, I could
pay for your time, or buy you lunch, or dinner or whatever if you could help
me out. Here is a quick overview of what I am doing and where I am at:

I have a cable modem/router/hub configuration which forwards all http and
https requests to my Linux box. I have a domain name registered, and
pointing to my DNS and IP (of the router). I have a trial cert from
verisign. and I am running RedHat 7.0 with apache and openssl. Here are my

I am using @home, and any mail I send from my Linux box to @home, is
I can access my server from another machine on the LAN in https mode, but I
can only connect using http from outside the LAN?
When I connect using https, I get a message that the name on the security
certificate does not match the name on the site?
My registered domain name does note come up, so I need to use the IP to
connect to the site?

If anyone could please help me out it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
