LinuxWorld Expo - NYC Wrapup
Mon, 7 Feb 2000 00:21:54 -0700


Can we talk you into giving a short LW report at the upcoming meeting?
I'm sure we'd all be interested in what you saw!


On Sun, Feb 06, 2000 at 10:49:09AM -0700, J. Francois wrote:
> I started the trip by flying into NYC on Tuesday at 6pm.
> I flew back into Phoenix at 3:40am after a long Friday in NYC.
> [ First Class rocks! ]
> Let me start off by saying I had to buy a new suitcase to bring back
> all of my hard earned Linux booty.
> I looted so many T-shirts I won't have to do any laundry for weeks.
> I have enuff CDROMs to give away thet everyone better show up
> for the next PLUG meeting or you will miss out.
> I am working on getting LinuxStore T-shirts to hand out as well.
> I got free copies of QuakeIII,Applix 5.x, Caldera e-server,
> CA-Unicenter, and more to evaluate in Linux.
> If you want to try something out, bring a machine to the meeting
> and I/we can install on the spot.
> I will make sure I bring as much as I can carry but the eval copies
> will not be given away since I only have one of each.
> When I get my picture of me with Alan Cox developed I will put it on
> my WWW page to brag about. Two of the FreeBSD booth babes posed for 
> a shot with me ( the wife is not happy ) and I will also have my Linux 
> license plate to show off....hehehe
> I bumped into Linus in a crowd and was about to give hime some 
> verbal abuse until I realized who I ran into. 
> FWIW he is a lot shorter in person.
> IBM,SGI,Dell,Compaq,and Alpha were the big players that helped to
> show the legitimacy of Linux. CNBC came out and broadcast from the
> Javits center for 2 days.
> I'm sure I left some stuff out so if anyone has any questions just ask.
> My preference would be to keep thi on list since it is Linux related.
> JLF Sends...
> This message brought to you by Master Forrest the Grump:
>      "Evil is, what evil does."
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