HPUX and Net::SSLeay

Kevin Buettner kev@primenet.com
Fri, 8 Dec 2000 14:18:10 -0700

On Dec 8,  1:58pm, Don Harrop wrote:

> Ok, I finally got it to finish compiling and did a make install.  I had to
> change one of the Makefile parameters..
> LINKTYPE = dynamic	-=> 	LINKTYPE = static

In which package's Makefile did you change this parameter?  Was it in
Net:SSLeay or was it in the library (that Net:SSLeay needs to link
against) that you were fighting with the other day?

> Anyway it finishes the link and then I do a make install but when I run
> perl -e 'use Net::SSLeay' it can't find the SSLeay object..  What gives?  
> :-/  Why didn't make install put it in a path that perl could find?  I'm a
> little ignorant on how perl's file structure... where extra modules are
> supposed to go and what file names it needs to find.  Teach me oh great
> ones..  just don't tell me to wax on/wax off or paint the fence.. :-)

The question I asked above is important because Perl needs to be
able to dynamically load (via dlopen() or the like) the extension

In my opinion, you should probably have left the LINKTYPE as dynamic.
The library that you mentioned the other day needs to be a shared
object compiled to be PIC to work.

(Of course, I could be entirely wrong.  It's been a while since I've
done any substantial amount of work on an HP system.)
