Linux Kernel Developer job

Austin Godber
Thu May 13 23:29:01 2004

"Infiltrating back doors into the INTEGRITY-178B operating system is 
virtually impossible"

OK, so I will assume all employees are trusted.

What compiler* does INTEGRITY use?


*Anyone hear of Ken Thompson's?

Ed Skinner wrote:
>      Although all of the Green Hills white papers on the issues surrounding 
> the use of Linux in defense systems are available to, I 
> consider to be the most critical 
> because it concerns "opportunities" in the Linux development process that 
> might be subverted by carefully orchestrated, covert efforts. Rather than 
> opening the debate on each particular here, I invite you to read and judge 
> for yourself.
>       Concerning the comment about the unemployment of software engineers, I 
> would just like to add that I was recently without income for 51 weeks except 
> for 3 in which I did some consulting about Linux, 2 of which were in mainland 
> China. (See for pictures and commentary.)