Next meeting, December 3rd

Tue Nov 20 00:12:01 2001

Am 18. Nov, 2001 schwätzte Alan Dayley so:

> On the first point, where, I can seek clearance for Adtron again if everyone 

I say we go for that unless we get complaints or a good place nearer central
Phoenix. Let's see about making it easier to find once you get to the
general area, though.

> On the second point, what, I know Hans has been doing some field work on some 
> things though I don't know if it is enough to make a meeting out of yet.  I 
> will work that angle with him but if anyone else has more ideas, let's hear 
> them!

Got some research done. Something should be posted to the list in the next
few days.

I think the presentations should be technical, not the devel-project. I do
intend to give devel-project updates at meetings, though.

That gets me thinking it might be good to let those working on Free Software
( or even Open Source :) projects here in town give a short update at the
devel meetings.

We have reps from GNUe, KDE, gdb, the super H port of Linux here in town.
I'm sure there are other projects. The dbXML core is Open Source. Thomas has
his work on the camera app for the Vaio.

Potentially the status stuff could get out of hand, but I'd like to have it
until then. Similar to the occasional intros at PLUG meetings.


#  I chose to use the kernel sources as my documentation.  ;-)
#  -- Kevin Buettner