ubuntu phone

Eric Shubert ejs at shubes.net
Fri Jan 11 17:58:16 MST 2013

On 01/02/2013 01:03 PM, Josh Coffman wrote:
> If you haven't heard, Ubuntu for phone is coming.
> Engadget: http://www.engadget.com/2013/01/02/ubuntu-for-smartphones/
> Announcement: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone
> Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cpWHJDLsqTU
> (Looks like Shuttleworth's Steve Jobs impression. Even uses the word
> magical.)
> I'm a developer and this seems like it has a lot of potential. Amazon
> debacle aside, I still think Ubuntu is a good desktop OS. Looks like it
> might be ready to make inroads in the mobile space.
> -j

At one of the InstallFests Justin Haught was showing off an android 
phone he had loaded with a full ubuntu desktop. I wondered why. I 
suppose because he could.

I guess you're talking about ubuntu running bare bones on the phone.

-Eric 'shubes'

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