visualization question

keith smith klsmith2020 at
Sun May 8 09:41:44 MST 2011

I created a CentOS LAP Server and set it's IP to a different IP than the host.  The CentOS is a static ip on the same subnet.  The windows box itself gets it's IP dynamically from the router (DHCP).

Sounds like I need to understand bridging.  



Keith Smith

--- On Sun, 5/8/11, Kevin Fries <kfries6 at> wrote:

From: Kevin Fries <kfries6 at>
Subject: Re: visualization question
To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss at>
Date: Sunday, May 8, 2011, 9:08 AM

You need to either bridge your host interface or route through your host.
When you say you set up your guest on another IP, is that a different host on the same subnet?  Or a completely different subnet.
If same subnet, bridge your host.
If different subnets you host needs to route.
Not sure how to do this on windows host, but hopefully it will point you to the proper place in the documentation.
On May 7, 2011 9:39 PM, "keith smith" <klsmith2020 at> wrote:
> Setup vbox on XP loaded CentOS 5.6 set IP different than host.  Can ping IP of vertual server from command line of self.  Cannot ping from outside.  

> Any help appreciated!  
> ------------------------
> Keith Smith
> --- On Sat, 5/7/11, Stephen <cryptworks at> wrote:

> From: Stephen <cryptworks at>
> Subject: Re: visualization question
> To: "Main PLUG discussion list" <plug-discuss at>

> Date: Saturday, May 7, 2011, 4:06 PM
> you can use either virtualbox or vmware and it will work, just set up the networking so that it has an IP on your physical network for simple access.

> On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 4:00 PM, keith smith <klsmith2020 at> wrote:
> Hi,

> I'm running XP on a dell box and was wondering if I can install visualization on top of that, install CentOS, and have both running at the same time with the XP being a client and the CentOS being a LAMP server.  I'd like to access the docroot crom the XP box.

> Is this possible? 
> ------------------------
> Keith Smith
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